3. Eat your veggies! Corn is about the only veggie around here that I can get the boys to eat without a fight. Maybe it's because I don't do better at modelling or maybe because I give up too easily with the veggies, but it definitely couldn't hurt me to eat more veggies myself.
4. Don't eat that! It fell on the floor! My boys, especially my youngest, are notoriously bad about dropping food. No matter how hard I scrub, this cheap carpet in our rental home is stained beyond repair. The boys have also been known to eat said food long after it's been sitting on the floor. I try to pick up the food as soon as I see it, but there's this vortex in the house that hides all the crumbs, hot wheels, and socks around here. Tiny toddler hands are the only ones capable of uncovering the missing pieces. So in the interest of full disclosure, I've been known to eat food off the floor too, but well within the five second rule. That being said, it's still gross, so I should probably listen to myself when I say, "don't eat that!"
5. If you're that bored, you can always clean your room. hahahah, like that one ever works. I doubt it'll work on me either, since a: I don't have much time to be bored, and b: cleaning isn't exactly my forte. But it's worth a shot!
6. Share! The boys are eighteen months apart, so their interests often overlap and they always seem to want the same exact toy at the same exact instant that the other one wants it. I find myself begging asking them to share things several times a day. But I'm also guilty of sneaking off to the kitchen to sneak a girl scout cookie or some other goodie without them seeing so that I don't have to share. I know, I'm terrible, but seriously those girl scout cookies only come around ONCE a year! I'll be better about sharing everything else, promise!

8. Use your indoor voice! Two rambunctious toddlers means my house often gets pretty noisy...and I often feel like a record on repeat asking for a little bit of peace and quiet. Unfortunately, I know that I also can be loud (hmm...wonder if that's where they learned it from?!). I may or may not have in the past yelled up the stairs at my hubby to "bring down the laundry please!" or at my kids to "quiet down!" Yelling up the stairs for them to quit yelling is probably not the best method of dealing with the noise, now that I think about it...
9. Clean up your toys! They've got hot wheels, Thomas the Train, and more little knick knacks than I care to think about. I've got lotions, books and magazines. This house would probably stay a lot cleaner if more of us listened to this little gem of advice.
10. Always be grateful. No matter what's going on in my life, my family and I have too much to be thankful for. I hope you do too!
Linking up to ohamanda.com for her fabulous top ten Tuesday!
I love this post! You have so many good ones I can't pick a favorite! It's crazy what kids can help us see & realize :)