Tuesday, January 18, 2011

School is in Session

Here's some things I learned today about Drake and trying to do my own version of preschool with him:

1. Safety scissors are not all that safe. In fact, they can cut skin, specifically, Mommy's finger.
2. Cutting Mommy's finger is apparently HIL-A-RI-OUS.
3. Drake will sit not sit still for more than one book to be read in a row. Good to know.
4. No matter how much planning you put into making a schedule and a curriculum, it's not really up to you. It's up to him.
5. Glue makes an excellent hair gel.
6. ...and last but not least, he has a voracious appetite to learn things and I really need to cultivate it.

To that end, we're starting our own little version of preschool here. Complete with useless schedules, fun crafts, loads of coloring, and the alphabet. Tomorrow we're going to head to the library to pick up some books that are on our schedule this week. I know I said that schedules were useless, but they do give me a good jumping point for the day's lessons. If he happens to show more interest in craft time, or coloring, or whatever, then I'm going to be flexible.

In the meantime, I'm looking around on the web for more coloring sheets and worksheets. I didn't realize we'd go so quickly through them. Now..if only there were more hours in the day to do everything that needs to be accomplished around here and become Drake's teacher...

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