Monday, May 6, 2013

Free printable Cat Mothers Day Card

So I love the internet. That should really be no surprise. But I love to look at sites that make me giggle. My favorite is TheMetaPicture. I go there daily to get a good laugh and hardly a day passes without some mention of cats or a cute photo of a cat. Sometimes I think that cats are taking over the internet. While personally I'm a dog person, I do love animals of any type. And I love Moms. Which leads nicely into my next free printable: a cat mother's day card! Okay so maybe it didn't segueway as nicely as it could have, but I haven't had my cup of coffee yet so you don't get to judge. :)

So without further ado, here's my ode to mothers: "I love you like a crazy cat lady loves cats." You can download the flat 5x7 print and frame it or just sign the back, or download the foldable card (already formatted for you to just print, fold and then sign the inside).

You can download the flat 5x7 print HERE
You can download the foldable card HERE
Hope you all have a wonderful mother's day and I'd love to hear if you use this free printable in the comments below!


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