While I was doing dishes earlier, I let my mind wander. Doing dishes is terribly boring and tedious and only somewhat enjoyable if you don't think about it. I passed a large part of my time wishing I had magic, you know, like Harry Potter magic. I would definitely be a Mrs. Weasley, waving my wand about to conjure meals, tidy the house, and definitely do the dreaded dishes. (I'll stop right here and admit to the fact that I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, both the books and the movies and if you have no clue what I'm talking about, then please kindly exit this website and pick up J.K. Rowling's masterpieces of literature. They are definitely worth a read, no matter what age you are!)
I would alsolove to have one of these magically enhanced clocks! |
So, my question to you is: if you had magic what would you do with it?
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