Monday, April 20, 2009

Not quite ready...

By the sixth month last pregnancy, I had Drake's nursery ready, complete with Dr. Seuss mural. I had bedding purchased, newly washed, and placed lovingly in his crib. I had his room dusted, swept, and mopped. His tiny clothes were lovingly washed in Tide Free & Clear, and placed on hangers or put away in his dressers. His clothes that he would have to grow into first were organized into his dresser drawers hidden in his closet. His bassinet was waiting by our bedside and our hospital bag was packed by the end of the seventh month.

This time around? I'm 37 weeks along (read: full-term, ready to pop) and the baby's room is a mess. His clothes, some of them at any rate, have been dragged up in a plastic tote from the basement in preparation for wearing. They're still sitting in the box, but it has made it's way into his room. The curtains, including the hanging hardware, are on the floor, waiting to be hung. His nursery art is propped against a wall, waiting to be hung. His crib lies in pieces in the living room upstairs. His mattress is leaning against another wall in the hallway upstairs. His bedding is still in its original package, unwashed. His new clothes, including several great things from my favorite etsy stores, are unwashed and lying in heaps spread throughout. His bassinet is in storage somewhere downstairs, as well as the other various things I'll need again for a newborn. His carseat is even downstairs. I'm pretty sure the hospital won't let us take him home without that particular piece of baby equipment. Oh, man. I'm WAY behind.

I know it's a cliche to say your second is different, but wow, I'm really living proof of the truth of it all. It's not that I'm not excited about my little guy. I am. Really. But I don't have much time, nor energy, to get things ready. I know he'll survive just fine if all his clothes aren't categorized by size and season and laid lovingly out.

It would be nice, however, to finish his room. I'll get to that tomorrow, hopefully, during day 2 of my maternity leave. (Mad props by the way to my brother who single-handedly wainscotted the nursery, my mom who primered the room, and my hubby who painted the top colors, yellow and blue.)


  1. HEHEHE...Ahhhh, the 2nd baby. I assure you it's normal!
    The blog looks great!
    CreationsAnew Photography & Design

  2. stopping by from the Homefront Team...LOVE your blog...I think you've done a great job with it...and I'm sure you'll get everything done in worries....


Thanks so much for your comments. I really appreciate you taking the time!


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