Thursday, April 16, 2009

Inaugural Post - a transition

So I guess I should start with an introduction. I'm Amy Proffitt and this is my blog. Exciting, no? I've done journals/blogs in the past, both old school pen to paper, and the newer online versions, but I've never had any luck keeping them up to date. But I guess it's a good thing that I've set the bar so low for me this time around. No expectations, woohoo!

I first wanted to create a blog well over a year ago when my first son was born to keep family up to date with him. He has a lot of family that's displaced all over the States so I thought it would be a nice way to let them a peek into his life. Since that time I've realized that 1) having a child is very time-consuming and 2) I just wasn't that motivated.

So why the change now? Here I am, sitting 9 months pregnant, awaiting the birth of my second son. How could I possibly think I'll have more free time? To be honest, I don't buy into the hype, but don't let me know'll be devastating to my ambitious drive. But one thing has changed. I am officially quitting my job and going to stay home with my sons. I'm an architect by trade and nature (I've known that I wanted to be one since fourth grade) but I'm really looking forward to staying home with my little men. I feel really blessed and grateful that I'm going to be able to do this. My life is absolutely wonderful (thus my clever title of a proffittable life; I know, you're wowed, right?) and I want a chance to share this with you. That and I really just want a creative outlet to tell my stories about my boys, my life, and my side business of graphic design

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