
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Soccer, toddler style

We enrolled Drake into a pre-soccer training camp thing on base. It lasted for eight weeks and they were learning the basics of soccer. They had their last practice this past Monday. I honestly couldn't tell you any single thing specifically about soccer other than you're supposed to use your feet and not your hands. But I'm proud to say that my boy thoroughly enjoyed it and that makes it so worthwhile to me. He wasn't just learning the basics of soccer. He was learning how to listen to other adults, how to make friends, how to be patient, and how to be a good sport. These are lessons that I cherish.

At the end of their last practice they had a fun ceremony where the kids all received a participation trophy (usually I'm against these as it teaches kids that it's okay to be mediocre or that you get rewards in life just for participating, but they're three so I think it's fine for this age) and a certificate. All the kids got different "awards" like bravest defender, best listener, etc. Drake got the Hustle Award for always being first in line and the first to volunteer. I definitely think it fits him.

Besides, I have video of him playing goalie and randomly running off from his goalpost whenever the opposite team came at him so best defender or even adequate goalie were out for him.


  1. That is just so cute! And can I please say......COOOOOOL picture! How did you make everyone in the background blurry and him clear. GOOD JOB!

  2. Hi Erin! It actually photographed that way. He was in focus and they were blurry. I did blur the background a bit more though in photoshop.


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