
Thursday, September 29, 2011

You Capture - Green

This week's theme over at You Capture hosted by Beth is green. I had such high ambitions for this capture, but alas, life intervened. I've been incredibly busy with my new job, my old job, being a wife, being a mom, and just generally being. So I snapped very few photos of green, but here's what I've got:

Love the intense stare of my oldest boy while he practices soccer

Drake always has fun at soccer, here he's practicing with Daddy

Night glow sticks for bedtime as an incentive for going to bed
Spider web in the grass with morning dew

There's a bit of green still about, look closely in the fog
Linking up to Check out all the other greenness on Thursday!


  1. Love the spider web! And that sweet little face peeking around Daddy's leg in the soccer match. =>

  2. That foggy tree shot is so lovely and peaceful.


Thanks so much for your comments. I really appreciate you taking the time!