
Thursday, August 4, 2011

You Capture - White

This week's theme over at Beth's Blog is white. At first, I was a bit intimidated. White? How do you capture white!? I spent a good bit of time wracking my brain and remembering all the times that I've created coloring pages for my sons only to realize that white's a really hard thing to color in. Then I realized, it's not so hard. White's everywhere around here.

Look up:

Do you see the sea turtle in the cloud too? Or is it just me?

There. See him now? I dunno what happened to his legs.

If you look down, you're bound to find white too.

White means safety in this instance. Well, some measure of it anyway.

Mother Nature has her fair share of white too.

So beautiful they almost look fake.

No clue what these are, but they are extraordinary.

And last but not least, white is in the architecture.

Check out all the white inspiration over at I Should be Folding Laundry.



  1. Ok. Yep. I love all of these! I took cloud pictures too because of the shapes in them (didn't post) - I love how you outlined it, ha.

  2. Okay, I love this so much I might steal your idea about tracing the shapes in the clouds. Have you ever felt like a dork while trying to explain a shape you see in the cloud? Love your solution!

  3. All of these photos are AMAZING! I love how you drew the bird figure into the sky photo (though I swear I do see two legs and feet beneath if you look hard enough).

    Gorgeous garden photos too. What talent!

  4. Love your third flower shot! So beautiful :)


Thanks so much for your comments. I really appreciate you taking the time!