
Friday, July 29, 2011

20 Week Photography Challenge

Since I've been struggling a bit with my photography (really really really want to take a class or two) and I've been struggling with posts on here, so two birds with one stone: I'm going to join a 20 week photography challenge here online. Woot! I'm actually really excited. I really enjoy the challenges over at Beth's blog so I can see myself really getting into this. It's being hosted by Laura at A Step in the Journey.

This week's challenge is a self-portrait. Ugh. Not my favorite photo subject, but maybe it should be. I have all these wonderful photos of everything else but me. You can definitely tell that I'm always the one behind the camera (the hubby is pretty skilled with a camera too but I rarely let him steal my camera). Here's a couple of shots that I managed to snap rather quickly since there's a couple of people around here that are sick and clingy...

Your standard hold the camera away from you pose

Everyone looks better in black and white, right?

You can find all the information about participating by going HERE. If you do join the challenge, or you're participating in another one, show me! I'd love to see what you've done!


  1. Great picture! I look forward to seeing more of your pictures throughout the challenge!

  2. I love killing two birds with one stone :) Hopefully the challenge will help you with one post each week!


Thanks so much for your comments. I really appreciate you taking the time!