
Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday Musings

So I've been absolutely terrible about writing on here. Which is sad. I really like opening up and posting designs and "meeting" wonderful people. There's such a wealth of information on the internet and I meet some of the most amazing people through here. At any rate, things here have been hectic. I guess that goes without saying. I've had two sick boys, a sick husband and a sick me to take care of. You can guess which one got put on the back burner.

I know my last message was kind of dark, well, really dark for me, but I guess you could say I had the world's most horrible birthday. It was pretty awful and I guess the real problem is that I had expectations. Whenever you set yourself up like that, you're bound to be disappointed. It wasn't that I wanted anything amazing or outlandish; just to be recognized. Without two sick kiddoes would have been great too. I hate when my babies are sick.

Speaking of sick, we're finally (KNOCK ON WOOD) over everything, I think. Maybe. Possibly. Hopefully. Took Link to the doctor today to check out his rash; in my opinion it should have gone away and not gotten worse over the weekend. They were calling it a medicinal reaction rash, but if that's true and his last dose was Wednesday, why was it so bad on Saturday and Sunday?!

We took him to the doctor today and he's not convinced that it's a medical reaction but he's not convinced otherwise either. Very helpful. (sigh) It's actually looking much better today so we're just keeping tabs on it. The doctor says that it most likely isn't anything else since he just had strep throat and scarlet fever so he shouldn't have any other bug. To me, that's ridiculous logic. I would think that his immune system would be compromised so it's perfectly logical that he could have something else (like fifth's disease). But our doctor is mostly..well, I won't go there because it just makes me upset. Going to go online today and request a new doctor. That should fix atleast some of our problems! Hopefully you all had a much better week of things!


  1. My Daughter had something that looked similar to this rash. It was called airathema Multiform. It is a allergic reaction to something that her body tried to fight off but eventually lost the battle. She looked really bad her whole body was like one big blister. Like the bottom of the feet in the picture. The doctor gave her steroids. I am so glad we have out doctor no one at the emergency room new what it was. But he did.

  2. Thanks much for telling me that. It gives me some peace of mind. our doctor had no clue and told us as much. I'm just glad my baby's doing much better. No more sickness in this house!!!

  3. Poor thing! Hang in there Mama, Mother's intuition is always the best guide. You are doing a great job! Hard times like these make us so grateful when they are over as well as helping us recognize those blessings we otherwise take for granted. Prayers you way! ;)


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