
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday - Things You Don't Know About Me

Here's the top ten things you {probably} don't know about me. You also probably don't care, but I thought I'd share anyway. You're welcome. =P

10. I've never taken a single photoshop or computer editing software program class. Shhh! Don't tell my clients that I'm self-taught, they'll get crazy ideas like thinking they can design their own holiday cards and business logos too. Well, I suppose that's not an entirely bad thing. I'm a firm believer in knowledge is power.

9. I do a wicked Kermit the Frog impression.

8. I'm only 63 inches tall, which sounds much more impressive than 5' 3". Okay, okay...I'm 5' 2.75" but you round up, right?

7. The Dark Crystal traumatized me as a small child growing up. {No worries, I absolutely love it now and plan to terrorize subject my children to it later in life.}

6. I once drank ate and drank an entire large (64 ounce) jar of dill pickles. Because it sounded like a good idea. It wasn't.

5. I've wanted to be an architect since I was in third grade. My childhood hero was Frank Lloyd Wright. I think Legos had a huge impact on me wanting to become an architect.

4. I no longer have any desire to be an architect. Crazy how life changes you.

3. I have an addiction. I'm afraid it's pretty serious. I. Can't. Stop. Pinning. Things. On. Pinterest. I think I need a 12 step program, or just more hours in the day. Yes, that'll solve it.

2. I watch really dumb comedies and giggle all the while. I'm pretty sure atleast 40% of my brain is used up by useless movie quotes. Some of my favorites: Super Troopers, Dodgeball, and Tommy Boy.

1. I've never had much of a backbone. I have a hard time with conflict and standing up for myself. I've gotten better over the years, but it's still something I struggle with.

Linking up to Oh Amanda for her fun Top 10 Tuesday. Check out more Top 10 lists at her website!


  1. aww, I loved reading this! It's always great to know the blogger more :)
    It's funny that you mentioned pinterest, I just joined and made a top ten tuesday post about it for today! :D
    I can totally relate with you on #2. I love watching 'mindless television'. Sometimes, I just feel like laughing hysterically and not having to think too much! lol
    Oh and we have #10 in common too! I am an autodidact. I learn better when I teach myself. So I got adobe cs4 and started doing it myself. Sometimes you just learn better by yourself, right? lol
    Great top ten!


  2. Ok, I need to know what the consequences were of the insane pickle consumption.

    Also, I'm addicted to Pinterest too. What's the link to your profile? I'll follow you and we can encourage each others problem :)

  3. Ohh, hi Tara. Definitely let's feed each other's addictions! I'm at (or there's a button up top near my header that says pinterest)


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